High School Graduation. I left home the day after mine. Moved into a garage in the back lot of Tommy Bartlett’s in Wisconsin Dells. Lived off of Dinty Moore Beef Stew. Worked at Robot World and Exploratory. Don’t laugh. Anything for money before College.
Turning 50. Now my children are leaving home. I’m moving into a new season of my life as papa. I’m working at being faithful to my life’s purpose.
In the spirit of the season, in honor of my last High School Graduate, and in the shadow of my 50th year of life, I would like to share a few of the things I’ve learned.
10 words of encouragement I would like to share with my High-School-Graduating Self.
Here they are:
Never forget to…
1. Ask for Help
You cannot do everything yourself. In this age of individualism and rugged independence, you can miss out on tremendous blessings and friendships if you don’t learn to rely on others. Relationships are reciprocal, and mutually beneficial.
2. Master the Fundamentals
Daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, yearly rhythms are built into the order of life. Find your rhythms and don’t accept artificial solutions that promise relief and never give rest. Avoid complicating your life by overextending yourself, many are dying from the pace they’ve set. Read more here.
3. Be Yourself First
Don’t have too many advisors. You know your own best answers. You were never created to be someone else-you are truly one of a kind.
4. Enlist Invested Partners
There are interesting people and there are interested people. Surround yourself with interested people. The key noticeable attribute of these people: they listen with curiosity, genuinely care, and love being with you.
5. Own Your Replenishment
Do whatever you need to do to figure out what replenishes your spirit. Make sure you intentionally include those moments within the normal rhythms of your life. Relentlessly defend that rhythm, others won’t defend it for you.
6. Try New Things
You can’t fail. You might just discover your next favorite thing. You could uncover a talent or calling that is yours to live.
7. Laugh More Often
Life is short. Life is hard. It is easier to live with a smile.
8. Release Your Quirkiness
You have interests and passions that others won’t understand. There will always be somebody who can connect with your unique preferences. The world needs YOUR quirkiness.
9. Broaden Your Learning
In an age of specialization, don’t be too quick to narrow your focus. Develop a comprehensive base. Your life’s work will more likely be a portfolio of skills.
10. Live Beyond Failure
See #6. There is life beyond death, opportunities beyond dead-ends, new hope beyond broken dreams. So, when you experience the end of something, take a deep breath and step forward with a bold curiosity that asks, “What’s next?”
What would you add to my list?