An All-Encompassing Promise Already Fulfilled

If we are searching for a verifiable and objective track record of God keeping His promises, the coming of our Messiah has never been more glaring in handing this to us.

As we yearn for comfort, clarity, and control in this dying world, we cling to the promises offered to us by that very world. We are promised to be successful if we do this. We are promised to be prosperous if we do that. We’ve heard a lot of promises only to be disappointed either by their short-sightedness at best or lack of consummation at worst.

We often forget the one promise kept by God that we can hang onto even in the direst, darkest moments of life. God, who is already gracious with His loving mercy, delivered on His ultimate promise of salvation. This thought alone should give us hope and confidence to press on through every season of our life.


The power of God’s promise

When we think of God’s promises, we are reminded of the covenant He made with Abraham and his offsprings in Genesis 17:4; His promise to deliver the people of Israel from the Egyptian rule (Exodus 2:24-25); His guarantee to Joshua that He is with him and the people of Israel wherever they went (Joshua 1:9); or His promise in the book of Isaiah, that only if we trusted and waited on the Him, the Lord will renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31).

These are just some of the examples of God’s promises to His people. We read in Hebrews 6:13 that God is an ultimate authority of His promises. The certainty of His promises stood the test of time. For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself. We can rest knowing that when He makes a covenant to us, He will deliver with resounding assurance. This is the power of God’s promise.


The fulfillment of the promise

As we look through Luke’s account in the first chapter of his book, we can see the deliverance of God’s ultimate promise unfold in front of us. God sent His Son to save us, sinners. He demonstrated the conclusive evidence of His love toward us by allowing His only begotten Son to die on the cross at Calvary. Romans 5:8


Our response to God’s promise 

Standing on the platform of where we are right now, humbly gazing in the ravine of our deeply-flawed nature, we realize that we can do nothing to deserve the slightest grace, let alone the promise of God.

But still, He is welcoming us to His everlasting Kingdom. He offered us the Hope of salvation —a promise delivered through His Son. We can only think of an acceptable response. Philippians 1:27 Paul tells us that Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News.

While we are here on earth, God asks us to be His witness and bear ourselves to the standard of His Word. Let’s be mindful of the fact that we are saved by grace alone and are washed by the blood of Christ, therefore it is our call to strive for holiness that can be achieved from the strength that is only found in Him.

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