Randy Frazee’s practical, motivating insights call you back to the kind of relationships and life rhythms you were created to enjoy. In Making Room for Life, Frazee shows you how—and why it’s so important—to balance work and play, establish healthy boundaries, deal with children’s activities and homework, bring Jesus to your neighbors, and build authentic bonds with a circle of close friends.
This thought-provoking book exposes the chaos and pressure of “normal” living and points toward a better life where community and church are authentic, rich, and as close as the neighbors on your street. A life where work, play, service, and even sleep all exist in balance, complementing each other, and where relationships are interconnected rather than disjointed.
Designed to be applied, not merely read, this book includes questions for small group discussion and room to write down your personal thoughts and action plans. Better still, drawing from his personal experience, Randy offers steps toward change at three levels: modest, substantial, and radical. Choose which level will work best based on your circumstances.