
At the Church we live life together in lifeGroup. Small groups that meet weekly in each other’s homes. We WELCOME our friends and neighbors, share a meal and share our lives. We WORSHIP, grow in the WORD, pray and care for each other. Together we serve our neighborhood and community as a WITNESS of Jesus’ love. Authentic biblical community requires deep connections. Our connection to other people is at the heart of our Christian experience. Though we often experience worship in a large setting with many other people, authentic connections happen most effectively in smaller groups where there is opportunity for dialog and relationships.  In lifeGroup, people at all different stages of their spiritual journey grow together in Christian fellowship as they worship, experience God, minister to one another, and serve together in their community.

We have been focussing on lifeGroup over the last few weeks learning about the Gifts that are given and received as we gather together.  lifeGroup is one of the places that you can engage as a follower of Jesus, one of the places you can invite a friend to join you. Let’s review what the gifts are that are given and received in lifeGroup: The Gift of Prayer … Promise … Participation … Presence … Penitence … Perseverance … Partnership … Persistence …  Patterns …  Praise … Purpose and People.  WOW…  that is a lot of gifts! If you missed one of the sermons or the lifeGroup Scoop video, you can watch here.

Which gift stands out to you?  Which one have you had the pleasure of giving and receiving?  Which gift seems to be missing currently in your lifeGroup?

Extend the gift of invitation.  Receive the gift, and say yes!  Connect to a lifeGroup today!

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