John the Baptist delivers a fiery message that doesn’t obviously evoke the theme of compassion. Interestingly, however, his very name “Yokhanán” means “Yahweh has compassion.” John’s tough message is nevertheless an offer of compassion from God, an opportunity to be forgiven, cleansed in the water from sins, if one would repent. There are many well-functioning adults (not to mention unwell-functioning adults) who feel like orphans...because of their parent’s alcoholism, criminal behavior, abandonment, codependency, and more. Some have tried to cope by keeping it a secret, some by clinging to another parental figure. The good news to the orphaned is that in Christ, they have an honorable family name in Abraham and a true Father in God.
Series Overview: This TOTAL 5-week series is centered on clearly understanding our identity as followers of Jesus, the Gospel of Jesus, and the motivation of a Gospel-integrated life. It also explores the resulting connections we have with Jesus, the church, and our community. Clearly connecting is a great summary of the Chrisitan life. Working through the Gospel of Luke and the New Testament history book of The Acts of the Apostles we will be better prepared to live a Gospel-integrated life. How does the Gospel connect with real life and real people? How will we be prepared to give an account to others of the life we know and experience in Jesus?