Will you join together with your brothers and sisters in Christ this year to pray for our revival? “Revive” means…to activate, set in motion, or take up again, to make operative, to quicken, or renew in the mind, to reanimate or cheer… We pray for our powerful and gracious Lord and Master to REVIVE our faith; to activate it and set it in motion. In humility and in confidence we ask. This bold act of praying and asking for it is one of the essential habits of a household well.
If there is one word that describes God’s character, it is compassion. Everything God deigns to accomplish in the world comes from a heart of love that is exhibited in His compassion. He has sympathy, true empathy for human beings. That empathy moves Him to act to alleviate their suffering, their poverty, their helplessness. Based on the character of God we CAN come to Him in confidence and ask Him for compassion, and as we do receive it anew we will be instruments of compassion too!