Pastor Jeff Meyer - December 6, 2015
Into the Neighborhood, part 2: Road Construction
From Series: " Into the Neighborhood "
The season of Advent looks forward to the coming kingdom, looking back and celebrating it’s coming in the person and work of the promised and prophesied Messiah, recognizing His kingdom come today in the Church (His body on Earth), and looking forward to Christ’s second coming the ultimate coming of the kingdom. This year, we’re highlighting the fact that as we have been following Jesus all year, we follow Him into our neighborhoods. We are the body of Christ on Earth today, and we are the disciples, those preparing, those proclaiming, and those sent to love. Advent is a season of anticipation, preparation, and even revelation for those who don’t know how or when He is coming. The ultimate goal is that each listener will take up the call to live incarnationally, to be Jesus’ representatives to their friends, neighbors, and family, to connect more people to life in Jesus.