Serving is the ministry of “people building into the lives of people who build into the lives of people” (disciples who make disciples). Jesus did this with his disciples and so did Paul with the people he discipled. Serving is not just for vocational church workers* - all Jesus followers are ministers and gifted to build life into others through serving. Our gifts are used within the church to build up the body of Christ for service, and for those not-yet believers who we connect to life in Jesus. We serve not to earn our way to God’s grace, but in response to His grace freely given. Serving, as Christ served, is our response to Christ’s ultimate act of servanthood on the cross for our sake and brings glory to God.
This 13-week series is centered on the fourth of the four components of our strategy (lifeServe), which is to offer our talents, gifts, and abilities to serve God, His church, and our neighbors.