Dan Luck - May 31, 2020
Now, part 4: Bloody Hands
From Series: "Now"
The Gospel of Luke is Luke’s biography of the life of Jesus up to His ascension. This 5-week series kicks off the book of Acts, which is Luke’s recording of the Acts of the Apostles, beginning with Jesus’ marching orders for the disciples before He leaves. This series is centered on what has changed and the reality NOW that we see God’s plan for salvation accomplished in Jesus, and Now that Jesus is in Heaven and the Holy Spirit has been sent to power the continuing mission. Clearly connecting is a great summary of the Chrisitan life. How does the Gospel connect with real life and real people? How will we be prepared to give an account to others of the life we know and experience in Jesus? These 5 weeks begin during the season of Easter, includes Pentecost Sunday, and ends with Holy Trinity Sunday.