Pastor Jeff Meyer - August 2, 2015
One Body, part 4: Gifted
From Series: " One Body "
This 4-week series follows the Pentecost lectionary schedule, beginning with the seventh Sunday after Pentecost. As we continue on the journey with Jesus, and see how God works through His people, we see the unity that God has established between God and man, and between all of His people. This has always been the plan, and God sent the one Savior, Jesus, to gather and care for His people, the Spirit to work the one faith the hearts of man, and gifted us to be work well as one body, one church. This is all God’s work, His choice, His establishing, supporting, building, and gifting of His one people, the One Body of Christ. During the Pentecost II series, both the Gospel and the Epistle (mostly from Mark and Ephesians) are emphasized by the theme for the day, so they are both highlighted.