Imagine a group of close-knit “brothers” in a dangerous, hostile world. If one of them falls to temptation, he becomes a baited trap (skándalon) to his brothers, an enemy on the inside, a danger to the others and to himself. Therefore, the failure of one is a betrayal of all. As a response to betrayal, Jesus gives a simple but difficult and rarely followed pair of instructions: rebuke and forgive. People are more inclined to stifle or gossip and tolerate or distance.
This 6-week series is centered on clearly understanding and seeing the Kingdom coming in Christ, and the restoration He brings. Identity is restored and new when people are connected to life in Jesus. The Gospel of forgiveness and welcome into the Kingdom is our motivation and mission. The Kingdom is clearly visible in restored relationships as we live and forgive together as a church. The Kingdom comes among us as we follow our marching orders, spreading the Gospel as we connect with our community. And we look forward to Jesus return, when He will usher in the Kingdom, finally, and all will be restored.