As Paul begins his first missionary journey, he and Barnabas meet stiff opposition. ….and deception. The Governor of Paphos on Cyprus wants to talk with Paul. But, opposition rears its deceptive head. A verbal sparring match ensues. An active intermediary (in this case, a magician named Elymas had attached himself as an influencer to the governor Sergius Paulus). We, too, as messengers of the Gospel will meet our own opposition. Debating in these contexts has their limitations. When our ability to persuade someone to believe the truth or do good is tested, we overcome when God does what we cannot do: vault over the verbal crossfire and change the heart.
This 6-week series shows us how the early church as it begins to move out, endures constant testing. How do these disciples respond? How will the Gospel prevail? And what can we learn and apply to our current climate? What will our response be to the testing we will endure?