Pastor Matt Wipperman - September 5, 2021
The Life, part 1: Creator
From Series: "The Life"
Our God wants to be known. He sent Jesus. Jesus wants to be known. He reveals His character over and over again from new and different angles. He uses metaphors that we can relate to so we can know Him. He is with us. He is with us like bread, light, open doors, a good shepherd, resurrection & life, way, truth, life, a true vine, living one, the first and last. As we set our intention this year to let our households be WELLs (Welcome in Jesus, Engage Our Neighbors, Listen for Insight, and Love to Try), we will be strengthened as we discover that Jesus is not just with us in general, but that He is with us in very tangible ways at just the right time, in just the right way!