Pastor Jeff Meyer - October 18, 2015
Your Legacy, part 3: Eye of a Needle

From Series: "Legacy"
This 4-week series follows the Pentecost lectionary schedule, beginning with the nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. This is our Commitment campaign, culminating with commitment Sunday on October 25th, which is also Reformation Day. We have an incredible legacy, as members of the body of Christ here on Earth. Children of the promise, God’s chosen people here on Earth, blessed to be a blessing. How will we be faithful to that legacy? In thanksgiving and right attributing of our blessings to the Blesser, and also in our use of those blessings to be a blessing to others both now and in the future we carry on the legacy we have been entrusted with. During the Pentecost V series, primarily the Gospel from Mark (and John on reformation day) will be emphasized by the theme for the day.