What an incredible week our youth have had at their mission trip in Milwaukee. It has a been a week that has opened our eyes to some great needs so close to home and has allowed us to generously pour out the love of Jesus to the community we partnered with as well as to each other.
On Thursday, students wrapped up their work sites for the week. They put finishing touches on their projects and prepared their sites for more servants to come in and work next week. Most students had an opportunity to attend a special gathering at Adullam. The worship leader invited students to come and hear about listening to God in prayer, and then students spent some time in prayer on their own. We wrapped up the day with a 2nd cookout at a community closer to the church where we have been staying. So many little kids attended this cookout! We had a bounce house, face paint, nail polish, stickers, and sidewalk chalk. Partner that with some hot dogs and chips, and we had quite a party! Our mission trip participants had just as much fun as the little kids.
We spent some time enjoying each other and relaxing on Friday. The day began at the Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee. There we had the chance to hike, relax, and enjoy God’s creation. From there we had lunch at Ian’s pizza before spending the afternoon at the beach.
Students returned home on Saturday, ready and excited to continue pouring out the love of Jesus in their own neighborhoods! We would love for you to join us at a brunch from 12:15-2 pm on August 23rd. At the brunch you can hear stories and see the pictures of the trip, as well as allow the students to say “Thank You” for all of your love and support.