Did you resolve to do something different in 2017? If so, how is it going?
I wish I had a dollar for every time I said I wanted to read the Bible more, or said I wanted to have a quiet time more regularly. Actually, I would rather have just done those things.
When I look back at the times I’ve been most successful, and most engaged in my own reading of scripture, it’s been when I have someone to discuss it with. lifeGroup can work this way, but so can family or anyone willing to talk about what you’re reading and learning.
So, here is my New Year’s challenge: ask someone to read and talk about the Bible with you. For me it works better to read and think about it before I get together to talk with someone. For others, it’s better to journal, or to read it right when you’re going to talk about it. However you think it might work best, do that.
I’m meeting with a friend and we’re going through Nehemiah one chapter per week. Pick a book of the Bible, maybe Romans to help prepare you for what we’re talking about in worship.
If you want a reading plan, there are many available at www.biblegateway.com
If you find you’re not sure how to read the Bible, check out our Disciple’s Utility Kit under resources on our website: www.livelifetogether.com/discipleship-read/ You don’t need to have any experience reading the Bible to jump in with any of the resources there. Whatever you do, invite a friend or family member to discuss it with you, and see what God will do with it in this next month and year.
If you haven’t kept up with a resolution, or didn’t start, consider this a chance to start again, and have fun!
I would love to hear how God uses your time reading and talking about how He wants you to respond to His Word. If you have a story or feedback, please Share It with me in the comments below or via email: [email protected]
Matt and his wife, Kate, have lived on the East side of Madison since 2003 and love it. They can’t wait for the day when they walk to lifeGroup and lifeWorship with neighbors. Matt and Kate were married in 2000, have been lifeGroup leaders and are coaches. Matt worked as an Electrical Engineer for 11 years prior to joining the church team and completing the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program through Concordia Seminary St. Louis. He loves wrestling with ideas and is always looking for teammates who are looking to practice living as disciples. You might find Matt working at a library or coffee shop, exercising at the YMCA, playing basketball or ultimate Frisbee, hiking, or camping with Kate. Looking for a teammate?