Fact: If you are a follower of Jesus, you are His witness.
“…and you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere…” (Acts 1:8 NLT)
There are times when someone may flat out ask you what you believe, or why you do something. And there are many times where your actions simply show others that there is something different about you.
Our goal this year is for our households to commit to being household WELLs.
At one level our homes are already places where people can be connected to life in Jesus: our lives bear witness to Him.
Anyone can notice the shoes you wear and assume that you like those shoes. In this way you are a witness, a passive commercial, for a shoe brand. But when you’re talking about how great your shoes are, showing how good they make you feel, maybe even giving shoes away for people to try for themselves, you’ve become an active witness.
Over and over in scripture we read the accounts of people who come into contact with Jesus and are forever changed. That change, itself, bears witness. It also makes them able to tell, or answer, and point to Jesus as the one who changed them.
Our commitment to being household WELLs is a commitment to the actions spelled out by the acronym WELL (Welcomes in Jesus, Engages with neighbors, Listens for insight and Loves to try). And as we who have been changed by Jesus live closely to others, our homes become active WELLs where our friends and neighbors find that same life-giving water that only Jesus provides.
We can practice our witness in many ways, but it begins with our connection to Jesus and the change He made and makes, and it always points to Him. So this month we’ll look at the accounts of people in the Bible who came in contact with Jesus and were changed, and we’ll be reminded of our own story as it is wrapped up in His.
“We proclaim to you what we ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.” (1 John 1:3 NLT)
Just as we prayed last month for God to Revive our Compassion, we are praying this month that God would Revive our Witness. We ask that God would remind us why we love Him and why Jesus is the best one to follow. We ask that God would infuse our lives with thankfulness. We ask that God would renew our excitement about what He has done in our lives, and that we would wear it. We ask our powerful and gracious Lord and Master to revive our witness—to activate it and set it in motion.