Security guards in Mbarara sometimes use bows and arrows as cheaper alternatives to guns – it was a jaw-dropping moment for Cana, who was sure that those weapons were only going to be used to hunt birds. Experiences like this illustrate the challenges and revelations Cana experiences while on mission.
Please pray for Cana and her ministry in Uganda. If you haven’t yet talked with her in person, I hope you have a chance next time she’s back for a visit, and if God speaks to you through her mission you can donate with a check to church (indicate Cana’s name) or online through her blog, justicemercyandfaith.com. Cana often shares specific material needs on her blog as well. For example, she recently asked for resources for a women’s Bible study she’ll be leading at a local prison. Check out the blog to read about her missionary work and adventures, and to discover how you can show your support. While you’re there, see if you can find “Jesus Christ General Hardware!”
Cana’s stories of being on mission are so relatable – they’re about day-to-day life and the sometimes surprising ways that God shows up for and through Cana. Her stories can inspire you to think about yourself as a Christian missionary serving in your city, not because it’s a fun exercise in role-playing, but because this is who you are!