God Doesn’t Care About The Mess

Kyla S.

Today all the kids sat and were engaged in church as we watched the service online in our living room. I’m not sure what was different. I know the song “Holy, Holy, Holy” may have had something to do with it as that is one of our family favorites.

It was so refreshing to see them sit and be engaged. I was just struck by the beauty of how it looked to have them sitting next to each other and what it might look like in the future when we would be able to attend church in person again.

I was reminded of how this beautiful moment in the midst of our disaster of a home is so representative of how Grace shows up. How Grace always shows up in the most unexpected ways. How Grace shows up in the midst of our mess and how Jesus comes and meets us wherever we are.

Even in a messy family room in the midst of a pandemic.