Strategy as missional map
where people make intentional moves to grow.

Our Strategy is to focus on Connecting Lifestyles through three key components:
Come to lifeWorship! At the Church, we join together to focus on Jesus, offer Him praise, and allow Him the space to speak to us. lifeWorship is an exciting part of the Church experience. Join us in lifeWorship every week and experience the amazing blessing of freedom that comes in humbling yourself before God.
Connect to lifeGroup! At the Church we really do “live life together.” In lifeGroup, we meet weekly in each other’s homes to share a meal and share our lives as we grow in Jesus. Our connection to other people is at the heart of our Christian experience. Authentic connections happen most effectively in smaller groups where there is opportunity for dialogue and relationships, and our primary place for these authentic connections is lifeGroup.
Commit to lifeServe! At the Church we offer our time, talents, gifts, and abilities to serve God, serve His church and serve others. It’s easy to come to church only for what we can get out of it, but the Bible says that each of us has something to give back. There is a need each of us can answer. We want you to experience Life in Jesus to the fullest, and encourage you to take time to give yourself away in ministry.