The Life: Eternal

Think about this: if you see a bird, there’s bird life in it. A cat has a cat’s life in it. There’s no fish life in a cat, right? Nor bird life in a shark.

“Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.” Genesis 2:7

And so here’s what we know is true: human life has God’s life in it. There is Christ-life to those who are called Christian, and believe in Jesus.

Now, what do we think of when we hear the phrase “Jesus is the life-eternal”? Does it mean heaven? Or maybe it means being with Jesus forever once we die?

Certainly heaven exists. We know Jesus is returning and restoring all things in heaven and on earth to its original state (read Genesis 1).


Receiving the Eternal Life 

How does someone receive this precious gift?

“Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have God’s Son does not have life.” 1 John 5:12

It’s just enough to just believe that Jesus is real. We must follow Him and have Him as a part of our daily life.

As we live life on earth, we grow in this eternal life and become more and more aware of it. We also become more exposed to this kind of life by following Jesus, and sharing it with others in our community.

Therefore we need to understand that eternal life has already been provided, and it is not a place, but a state of being. We don’t go to heaven to get eternal life, we go to heaven because we have it – it’s already been given!


Wonder and Wander

Have you ever been overwhelmed to the point of defeat and despair? Maybe to a level where you look at circumstances, and realize that there’s no way to overcome and get through it? As humans, we wrestle with our own struggles and get pushed down. We experience loss and grief.

Here’s another truth we know: Jesus is life. Jesus lives eternally from beginning to end. And Because He does, and because He lives in us by faith, guess what? We live too.

So we need to fully grasp that our worth and our eternal life has already been provided to each and everyone of us. It is never the circumstance that makes the person. Rather, it is the Person that creates the new environment and He is real – and His name is JESUS.

Let us therefore, face the fact that eternal life is provided by that Person and He has given us that life today and now!



The posture is not serving or trying to overcome the weight of the world by trying to prove ourselves. The posture is to come humbly before our Lord, with an open heart, kneel before Him, and to trust Him.

Because Jesus conquered death, He alone has this eternal life to give. And He’s longing to impart it to every person on this planet.

So we walk in the power of that eternal life right now, not just waiting for a place one day. Circumstances will not defeat us. Our sin will not conquer us and it is NOT the end of our story.

Christ’s story is our story. His victory is our victory.

Let God’s promises in His Word resonate.

Continue to march on trusting Jesus, thanking Him, and praying that our households would be a place where eternal life is experienced and can be shared within our community.

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