This week I would like to highlight “Generosity+” (read, generosity plus). “Generosity+” is one of our five newly articulated values. You can examine all of our re-articulated values here.
We articulate it this way:
because generosity empowered by Jesus fuels a contagious, others-centered culture.
Take some time to reflect with me:
Read 1 Chronicles 29 (if time is short, read vs. 10-19)
Answer this question:
When was the last time you were so moved by someone’s generosity that you simply had to stop and worship God?
Generosity is contagious. The generous love of Jesus is still fueling Jesus-followers to actively love others. Here’s an example:
Gererosity + Story
Summertime is mission trip time for the youth at the Church. It’s a time of great anticipation – going to new places, meeting new people, driving for ridiculously long hours in overcrowded vans, and waiting for those moments when we so clearly see God working in powerful ways.
One thing that has been a priority in Higher Ground, however, has been the importance of knowing that we just don’t go to foreign lands to do mission work. We don’t need to travel 15 hours to make a difference. We don’t have to visit the most impoverished counties in America to meet people who need Jesus. Those needs and opportunities are present in our backyards. In fact, we can’t properly go and serve elsewhere until we have spent time first immersing ourselves in how God is wanting to work right here in our own communities.
As a way to remind ourselves that God is wanting to use us TODAY, HERE and NOW in our communities, Higher Ground spent June 18th-20th participating in LOVE MADISON DAYS. It was three days dedicated to being on mission here in Madison, and learning simple, replicable ways that we can make a difference.
What did we do? Simple – we fed the hungry and gave water to the thirsty. On Tuesday, students worked at St. Vincent de Paul food pantry sorting and stocking food. Then, they passed out 200 fliers to the homes in the church’s neighborhood, advertising a food drive and the needs of the food pantry. On Wednesday, we spent a few hours weeding and watering in one of Madison’s 5 food pantry gardens. After dinner we went to McKee Farms Park and passed out water and freeze pops to the multitudes. Finally, on Thursday morning, we took up that food drive. We went back to each house where we had dropped off a flier and collected food for the food pantry – 529 pounds of food collected in just 1.5 hours! What a fun three days we had! We laughed, we bonded, we worked really hard, and we knew we made a difference.
Nothing we decided to do was too hard. We didn’t need extra training. We didn’t spend much money. It didn’t take a ton of coordination. All it took was for the students (over 30 different students!) to be willing to GO AND DO. What can you GO AND DO this summer?
How can you create your own LOVE MADISON/VERONA/FITCHBURG days this summer?
Emily Powers
Director of Youth, the Church