What’s Yours?

What’s yours?
Haven’t thought about it much?

“I’ll concern myself with that later,” you say?
“That’s not for me to worry about or concern myself with. I’ll let others determine that.”

While staying with my friend Rod in New Orleans over the past few months as I’ve worked with his church I have been thinking a lot about “legacy.” Walking with Rod as he wrestles daily with the most significant loss of his life [the sudden and tragic death of his wife, Karen] I have been contemplating the end of things. Does all our effort pay off in the end? When life is suddenly over, will the investments and invitations I have made be something that has enduring value? What legacy do the investments I’ve made and invitations I’ve extended really leave?

Legacy has two sides. We are recipients and distributors. As recipients we have been entrusted with someone else’s gifts. As distributors we share what we have received.

Legacy is established now. Legacy is created daily. Decision by decision you leave a legacy. You cannot determine it later. After you are gone, you have no influence or control on what you leave behind. TODAY is the day to live your legacy.

During the month of October we invite you to stop and consider your legacy. Stop and think a moment about what your invitations and investments mean. What legacy will they leave?

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