This is part of an ongoing series that celebrates how families from the Church are living out their calling as Household Wells. This month’s focus is Rest.On paper at least, Chad and
Becky Enright’s life together has been full of stressors.
The Enrights have, over the last four years, gotten married, had three kids, quit two high-stress jobs, and moved from West Bend to Madison, where Chad took a job that pays half of what he’d been making.
Plus, you know, global pandemic.
So, arriving at their home less than two weeks after Becky gave birth to their second daughter, Gigi, you might expect a bit of chaos, evidence of sleep deprivation, perhaps some crankiness.
But what you find is tranquility. Quiet. Peace.
And in an instant, it’s clear why, when seeking a family to talk about “rest” this month, Church staff chose the Enrights.
Chad and Becky actively infuse their days with rest – and they’re helping others do the same.
“Rest can be a risk, but it’s worth it,” Chad said. “It’s perceived as a risk because right now, there’s no value seen in rest. There’s only value in work. So, we’re just trying to put the value back in rest.”
Step 1 is “Rescue Rest”, the couple’s coaching venture “to help people take hold of their rest, to create soul, mind, heart & body refreshing practices.”
The ultimate dream, though, is what the Enrights call Second Breath, envisioned as a restorative center of cozy cottages, outdoor spaces, winding trails, large gardens with pick-your-own produce … .
It’s a big dream.
Just how big is a source of some debate.
At first, Becky and Chad decided they’d need at least 10 acres.
“But when we prayed about it, I thought 100 would be good,” Becky said.
Then Chad went on a men’s retreat … on 400 acres of rest and revitalization.
“I went home and told Becky I could really do 500 acres,” Chad said, to which she replied, “That must have been a really good talk with God!”
The Enrights are looking for sufficient acreage within 45 minutes or so of Madison, watching the market and praying.
“God hasn’t brought it forth yet,” Becky said.
In the meantime, they’re intentionally practicing rest for their body, mind and spirit, and encouraging others who seek rest.
Here are their Top 5 strategies for restoring your restfulness:
Chad: “Giving yourself time with God is so much more restful than people make it out to be. He invites us to rest in Him.”
Find a Confidante
Becky: Have someone to talk to on a weekly basis. It could be a counselor. It could be a friend. Just someone you can work through issues with.
Nurture Hobbies
Chad loved writing movie reviews at, although he hasn’t devoted much time to that lately. This year, he’s been exploring new recipes.
Mid-pandemic, Becky discovered she loves making candles, which she now also sells at area vendor shows.
“It’s my way of restoring mentally – and emotionally sometimes,” she said. “When I get overwhelmed as a mom, sometimes as a wife or a friend, I go to that and create.”
Take A Vacation
Ideally, the Enrights would like the United States’s vacation standards to match Europe’s, where adults frequently get six weeks of vacation each year.
But this would be a start: “If you get two weeks of vacation from work, use your two weeks!”
The Enrights’ TV may be off for weeks at a time. But, in particular, all electronics are off between 5 and 7 p.m. every day, when the couple shares family time with 3-year-old Olivia, 19-month-old Theo and, now, Gigi.
“We just want them to see that they’re more important than what’s on our phone,” Chad said.
Becky and Chad say that, over time, they’ve gotten better at resting: Like anything else, the more you do it, the better you get.
“You’ve really got to rest your whole self, not just your body,” Becky said. “Rest your mind. Rest your heart. Rest your spirit.”
Chad goes back to his favorite definition of “rest”.
“Rest means to stop using something so it can become strong again.”
For more information on Rescue Rest, you can find the Enrights’ social media accounts at @rescueyourrest. Their website is, and their email address is [email protected].