Church Team

Pastor Jeff Meyer

Pastor Jeff Meyer

WHAT I DO: I work to advance the Church's Vision to multiply and network: “Household WELLs" through preaching, leadership of the staff, Church leadership board and Elders committee, and oversight and management of our Neighboring Life community.  FAVORITE UNDERRATED...

Heidi Chi

Heidi Chi

WHAT I DO: Lead the traditional/blended worship team. FAVORITE UNDERRATED BIBLE PASSAGE: Psalm 25:4-5 Show me your ways, Lord,  teach me your paths. 5 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. RANDOM THING I...

Pastor Matt Wipperman

Pastor Matt Wipperman

WHAT I DO: My focus is on human care ministry. I just try to really listen to people and to be wherever I am needed. I also do a lot of the computer-tech aspects at the Church. FAVORITE UNDERRATED BIBLE PASSAGE: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has...

Amy Meyer

Amy Meyer

WHAT I DO: I lead the implementation of our strategy components -- lifeGroup, lifeWorship and lifeServe -- and help people connect through 1:1 relationships. At the Church, we believe that connecting people to life in Jesus has three components: lifeGroup (small...

Jess O’Malley

Jess O’Malley

WHAT I DO: I manage the church office and all the day to day tasks that keep the Church running smoothly. I maintain the Church membership database, attendance records, offering records, facility scheduling. I manage the Bulletins, lifeLines, and prayer distribution....

Emily Powers

Emily Powers

WHAT I DO: As youth director, I oversee our church-supported, home-centered approach to raising our children to be Jesus followers. That includes ministry for children and youth, from infant through high school, as well as ministry to the home. I get to help kids,...

Karen Hettenbach

Karen Hettenbach

WHAT I DO: I manage the daily operations of Christ Memorial Preschool, as well as planning and leading the 4K classroom. FAVORITE UNDERRATED BIBLE PASSAGE: “Though you have not seen him, you love him, and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are...

Preschool Team

Karen Hettenbach

Karen Hettenbach

WHAT I DO: I manage the daily operations of Christ Memorial Preschool, as well as planning and leading the 4K classroom. FAVORITE UNDERRATED BIBLE PASSAGE: “Though you have not seen him, you love him, and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are...