Household Well Downloads

The following resources are free to download for personal use.  If you have any questions or need help with any of these, please contact us at [email protected]


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Prayer resource guide

Focused time of prayer for our church, community and world.

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Lord's Prayer Devotions Households

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Psalm 136

Psalm 136 : Remembering God’s Faithfulness in My Life (Family Edition)

Family Edition

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Psalm 136 Individual edition

Psalm 136 : Remembering God’s Faithfulness in My Life (Individual Edition)

Family Edition


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God's Arrival VS. My Resistance

We invite you to use this Advent Calendar as a way to ACTIVATE your faith this Christmas. These devotions can be used individually, as journal prompts, as family discussions or however best suits your household.

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Your ACTIVATE Advent Calendar

We invite you to use this Advent Calendar as a way to ACTIVATE your faith this Christmas. These devotions can be used individually, as journal prompts, as family discussions or however best suits your household.

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Neighboring During the Holidays

The holiday season is a natural time to nurture some of those relationships in your neighborhood.

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Carols of Christmas

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Creative ways to celebrate Father´s day

Mother’s Day gets lots of attention, but an equally important holiday comes a month later – Father’s Day!

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Simple ways to BLESS mom

This Mother’s Day, honor mom with some gifts that she really wants.

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Good Friday Worship Station Guide

You can join in our interactive worship experience from home! Click the image above to get prepare your supplies in advance so you’re ready for worship.

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Lent Resources

This year we have created a list of suggested Lenten devotionals for adults. These devotionals can be accessed online and/or via eBook and/or via email. The attached PDF lists the suggested resources

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Maundy Thursday is a special day in the Christian church. We remember how Jesus bent down to serve us and commands us to do the same for others.

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Good Friday Home Worship Household Guide

This worship guide is just a guide. You know your household the best.

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Valentine's Printables

Valentine’s Day is a prime opportunity for all of us to give those kids we love the most important message of all – They are perfectly, wholly, eternally loved by their Creator. Their identity is given to them through Christ and regardless of what the world says, they are enough. They are loved. They are created for a purpose and they matter.  

Here are 4 different Valentine’s Printables for the young and older kids in your life. Print it out, fill out the bottom, and hand it to a young person in your life this Valentine’s Day. (For more impact, add their favorite candy.)  The printables remind kids of who God says they are and has space for you to share what you love about that child as well.


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Engage with Neighbors

You are a visible reflection of Jesus. Here’s a guide to help you engage with your neighbors to reflect Jesus.

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Backyard kids camp guide

Bring on the giggles and wiggles! This guide gives you a jump-start on planning an engaging Backyard Kids Camp for neighborhood children.

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Summer FAQ

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Household WELL Survey

Each year the staff at the Church sets a goal to help align their efforts and to equip those at the Church to follow Jesus in an intentional and life-giving way. This survey will be repeated 3 more times in 2024 as a method for the staff to evaluate how well they are meeting their goal and to identify areas in need of focus.

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GROW in Faith

Sustained the by Word: A Sustained Faith is a Growing Faith. Build your Household WELL garden as you complete these 10 devotions.

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Household Bingo

Sustained the by Word: Make this activity your own- personalize and adapt it to fit your household. 

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Reflecting On My Story

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Create a Comic from February's Stories: POWER

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Design Your Household Well Superhero Badge

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Neighborhood food drive guide

Hosting a food drive in your neighborhood is a fun way to get your children, and your neigh-bors, involved in serving your community.

All resources are intellectual property of the Church unless otherwise noted. Please contact us with commercial use inquiries at [email protected] or for reproduction information.

Jesus calls us the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be snuffed out. That light draws people back to God and connects them to life in Jesus. 

At the Church, we believe God intentionally placed us here in Dane County, to include and involve us, right here, in His redemptive work.

What does that look like?

Homes springing with the Living Water, as sources of refreshment, peace, hope, joy and grace, freely distributed to all. Oases of God’s deep and abiding love.

Relationships — among families, friends, neighbors, coworkers — rooted in unconditional acceptance, kindness, compassion, truth and authenticity.

Communities nourished and sustained by the knowledge of God’s boundless love for all people and the gift of our eternal salvation.

That’s the Vision of Household Wells. Learn more.