Weddings and Funerals

Our lifeGroups are small groups that meet regularly to form close relationships, read and apply God’s Word, and to challenge and support each other in our faith journeys.
Though we often experience worship in a large setting with many other people, authentic connections happen most effectively in smaller groups where there is opportunity for deeper conversations and close friendships.
LifeGroups are completely flexible! Each group decides where and how often it wants to meet (Virtual gatherings are an option!). The Church provides resources, but it’s entirely the group’s decision on how to grow together in their Christian faith.
Groups regularly welcome new members, and new groups form all the time!
If you’d like more information about lifeGroups or are interested in joining one, contact Amy Meyer at [email protected].
We mostly have empty nesters, but a collective heart for Jesus. We desire to connect, build relationships and serve others who are around us.
We love Jesus and are overjoyed to be able to have friends to gather with on a weekly basis. We live life together and enjoy life in Jesus with people of all ages. We count it a privilege to pray for and with one another and encourage each other as we live out what we are learning in our neighborhoods.
This intergenerational group is comprised of married couples with and without children and singles whose desire is to grow in community with each other and in Christ. We meet weekly in Oregon to share a meal, worship and delve deeper into God’s Word.
Our group is made up of families with and without children of all ages. We are mainly, but not exclusively, Eastsiders. We gather weekly to share a meal and share our lives with each other. We study God’s Word and discuss how to apply His teaching to our lives. We serve and pray for each other as well as serve our community as a group.
Our group is made up of families with lots of little children. Because of that we meet during the day on either Saturday or Sunday. We value encouraging one another in this extra busy season of life and having our children know other trusted adults and kids that are following Jesus.
Our lifegroup is comprised of 20-30ish year olds from every walk of life. We have singles, new families, couples, you name it. We live mostly west side and downtown and rotate who hosts and cooking duties. We really focus on being a community and taking care of each other outside of “lifegroup time” as much as we can. We also try to be community focused and mix up meetings with fun outings and service events.
Our group meets typically on Monday evenings but is flexible. We enjoy fellowship and sharing a meal together. Our word time is a time for all of us to learn more about God’s plan for our lives and we share the responsibility of facilitating. We also have a lot of fun together.
Our lifeGroup has helped us develop close relationships as we share our lives with each other. Our group consists of grandparent-aged adults gracefully aging together. We generally meet on Wed or Thurs evenings at 6:30 pm in the Fitchburg area.
This group consists of adult couples or singles. Individuals of this group are at different stages in their Christian walk. We strive to grow personally and also as a group by being in the Word, praying for each other, and serving the community. This group also enjoys getting together outside of the lifeGroup time at various local concerts in the summer, picnics, movies, campfires, or even watching a sporting event on TV.