Prayer Boxes

This year, as we focus on our homes becoming Household Wells in our neighborhoods, we thought it would be fun to come together and make something tangible we could each use to bless our communities. Have you heard of a neighborhood prayer box? Simply put, it’s a box that you leave in your yard/porch/office/anywhere visible. People are invited to leave a prayer request in the box. Then, you as a household pray for those requests.

Where you put the box and how you set it up is up to you. Perhaps you can attach it to a pole next to your mailbox. Or maybe you leave it outside of your apartment door. Maybe a local business will let you leave it on their counter. Or perhaps on your desk in your office is where you want to offer support. Start dreaming and praying about how God wants you to use your prayer request box!
On June 27th, from 10:15-noon (come anytime in that time frame) we will have a prayer box assembly party. All of the materials you need, as well as step-by-step directions, will be available so you and your family can put together your own wooden prayer box. We will have work stations set up for families to be distanced from others. We will also have these boxes available as take-home kits. The boxes are $25 each to cover materials, but we don’t want anyone left out for financial reasons. You can read more about these kits and all the details in the sign-up form.
Please register by June 1 to allow us time to prep the prayer box kits. You can find out more and register here:
I also found a neat blog and video about a family who used a prayer box in their neighborhood. You can check that out here:
For more information and questions, contact Emily at [email protected]

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