Thank You For Serving

We continue to be grateful for the many people who have said yes to serving at church and out in the community.  It is great when you can serve where you are gifted and have a passion or interest or skill set.  And many times, it is just about having a willing spirit and saying yes when there is a need.  It is easy to think that all the spots are full on a Sunday morning so there is no place left for you to serve.  Let me assure you, we can always find a spot for you to jump in and serve.  Many people are serving in one or two or three different places. Several people are serving more than one time a month.

Let me take this time to first say THANK YOU to the over 50 different people who serve on a regular basis.  We greatly appreciate you!

Perhaps you are unsure of what opportunities there are to serve, and how you can help out. Let me list them for you. There is training available for each position. And all you need to do is contact Amy Meyer at [email protected] and I will do my best to get you ready to go.

Sunday Morning:

Greeter:  Welcomes people and is especially aware of First Time Attenders who may need to know a little more about our service and what to expect

Check-In: Stands at the Welcome Desk and greets everyone, and checks them in

Video Tech: Sits at the back and changes the camera angle during service for our online worshipers

Media Tech: Clicks the slides during worship

Sound Tech: Manages the sound board (both in house and online)

Altar Guild: Sets up Holy Communion and cleans up after service

Online Comment: During worship manages the online comments to interact with those worshiping online to help them feel connected (often done remotely)

Scripture Reader:  Reads the scripture during service

Communion Assistants:  Help distribute communion

Safety Team: Stays out in Welcome Area during worship to monitor the doors and if there is any need that arises can help assist in emergency situations

Worship Teams: The team of musical gifted individuals who lead us during worship

Kids Connection Helpers: Assist Emily with Kids Connection


During the week:

Media Creation Team: Enter the information that is shown on the slides-done remotely

Some specific areas that we could use a little more help with currently:

  • Altar Guild rotation (you serve for one month of the year) Online Comment: we could use 1 or 2 more people
  • Sound: you would receive training, and need to have an ear for music 
  • Media Tech: you would receive training. 
  • Media Creation: need some computer skills 

I also wanted to highlight a group of people that have been consistently serving at Leopold for the mobile food pantry that is on Tuesdays every other week.  We have a lot of fun together and we are there in rain or shine or extremely cold like a couple of weeks ago. Thank you Jen Wood, Laurie Wood, Julie Koch and Carol Tiemann for faithfully showing up with a smile and great attitude.

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