It’s a Privilege to Pray for Others

Another school year is beginning for students and teachers and we can make an impact as we go to God on behalf of them all.  There are so many different topics to pray about and needs to place in God’s hands. What a privilege it is to pray for others.  Whether you have a child in school or not, we get to be involved in making a difference by being like the friends in Mark 2:3-11 who carried their friend to Jesus and lowered him through the roof and placed him at the feet of Jesus.  Here are some different ways to pray – certainly add in your own, and pray by name if you know a teacher or Principal or student. From those entering our preschool to elementary age, high school and even our college students,  let’s put our love in action by praying for them.  And maybe you can even drop one of them a note and let them know how you prayed for them.

Praying for the Administration:

  • Pray that high level positions will be filled by men and women with Godly values and principles.
  • That decisions for your school are made with wisdom and compassion.
  • For a clear direction from God on how to move the school forward and meet the needs of the students and staff.

Praying for your Teachers:

  • “We ask you God to give our teachers spiritual wisdom and insight so that they might grow in their knowledge of you. We pray that their hearts will be flooded with light so that they can understand the confident hope You have given those you called. We also pray that they understand the incredible greatness of your power for us who believe in you.” (Ephesians 1:17-19)
  • “Lord, teach our teachers to always be humble and gentle. Teach them to be patient with each other and us, making allowances for faults because of Your love. Let everything they say be good and helpful so that the words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” (Ephesians 4:2, 29)
  • That they will teach with excellence and creativity.
  • That they will respect each child as God’s creation – unique individuals.
  • For patience and energy to teach with passion each day.
  • That Christian teachers can stand out and make a difference in the school, supporting the values of their Christian students.

Praying for All Students:

  • That there will be a high level of respect for each person among students.
  • That students can choose against negative peer pressure and dangerous choices.
  • That students will have high respect for authority.
  • “Lord, may students in this school clothe themselves with tender-hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. May they make allowances for each other’s faults and readily forgive those who offend them. “ (Colossians 3:12-13)
  • For strong, positive friendships to develop within the student body. Friendships that build each other up and keep them from being led astray.
  • That students can control their tempers. (Ephesians 4:26)
  • That students can accept and learn from loving discipline.

Praying for the School:

  • To be free of drugs and alcohol; that students are free of addictions – (Ephesians 5:18-19)
  • For protection from violence.
  • That it will be a place where learning and creativity can happen within a safe and encouraging environment.

Praying for Unbelieving Students:

  • That each student will learn of God’s great love, provision for salvation, and accept God’s forgiving Grace.
  • That hurting students will receive Godly counsel, friendships, and compassion.
  • “Jesus, may those in this school who don’t know you learn to put off their love of this world and the things it offers. For we know that loving this world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. May they learn to love you, to crave you, and to be filled up by you.” (1 John 2:15-16)
  • “Heavenly Father, may the students of this school let their roots grow down into you, and let their lives be built on you, so that they may know how wide, how long, how high, and how deep your love is for them; and may they see that love through me.” (Ephesians 3:17-18)


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