We had an awesome time of learning and discovery over the last three weeks during 2:22sdays with Sheila Anderson looking at the book of Acts. (if you were not able to join us, they are recorded on our facebook page) She did a great job reminding us that the book is not only a history lesson about the beginning of the early church but a way for us to consider how we are missionaries right now where we live and work in 2020.
How is it going for you living every day as if you are God’s representative? Because you are! He gave you that call to go and represent him at your baptism. What a privilege! And some days it feels like an overwhelming task. Or is it? One of the lessons Sheila brought out was that Paul relied on God’s leading to see the next step, and he could only see his next step not the whole picture. That is true for us as well. We follow Jesus one step at a time, one day at a time. We seek His wisdom and guidance as we read his word, talk to him in prayer, rely on the Holy Spirit and talk with trusted friends.
Do you have someone that you are walking with as you follow Jesus? Someone you can share what you are learning with, reach out to when you are confused or struggling and encourage as you both follow Jesus? If you would like to know more about connecting in a 1:1 discipleship you can email Amy at [email protected], to talk about your HOW and WHO.
Back in 2014 we went through a small book as a congregation called, Be Jesus in Your Neighborhood Developing a Prayer, Care, Share Lifestyle in 30 Days by Alvin VanderGriend.
The following is a quote from Day 18 page 44,45:
“In Jesus we see a prayer-care-action pattern that is meant to be followed as we reach out to our neighbors and friends. We begin by praying. Then caring follows as love for them wells up in our hearts. And then we are motivated to act in some way on our neighbors’ behalf.
Caring begins in prayer. As you pray for your neighbors, be alert to what happens in your own heart. Do you feel compassion? Do you feel a burden for their spiritual well-being? Do you feel drawn to them? Are you ready to spend some time with them? Do you sense how much they matter to God?
Then action flows from caring. Are you motivated to do something for them? Follow the promptings of your heart as the Spirit of God leads you to reach out in caring ways to the people around you. Act on their behalf in ways that show the love of Christ. This is the biblical pattern.”
May God grant you great joy as you follow him. As you take the next step that the Spirit leads you to take. As you continue to pray, care and act in love to those that he puts in your path. We are the church, we get to be Jesus in our neighborhoods. You are a missionary. May the world know Him by how much we love one another.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35