Remembering God’s Faithfulness

A thankful spirit is what flows from a heart and mind that is keenly aware of God’s provisions and work in our lives. Giving thanks becomes worship when we give God the credit and glory for the all we have and all we are.

You are invited to use this template as a way to engage your family in specifically reflecting on who God is and how He has provided for your family. Go through and, together, write words in the blanks, following the prompts below the blanks. Then, take turns read your song of praise back to God in an act of worship.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.

Give thanks to ______________________________________, (insert a name of God)

His love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord of Lords, His love for _______________________________________ (insert your family name, or everyone’s individual names) endures forever.

To Him who created us, knit together as His _____________________________ (insert a word that indicates your identity in Christ).

His love endures forever.

To Him who created _________________________________________________. (insert something in nature that inspires you).

His love endures forever.

To Him who _______________________________________________________. (insert something in nature that amazes you).

His love endures forever.

To Him who remembered ____________________________________________(insert a time when God met a need).

His love endures forever.

To Him who comforted ______________________________________________ (insert a time God met you in your sorrow).

His love endures forever.

To Him who rescued_________________________________________________ (insert a time God rescued you).

His love endures forever.

To Him who _______________________________________________________. (insert provision of people).

His love endures forever.

To Him who ______________________________________________________ (insert provision of family).

His love endures forever.

To Him who created ________________________________________________ (insert provision of needs).

His love endures forever.

To Him who redeems our family with the blood of Jesus.  (insert your name)

His love endures forever.

To Him to remembers us, is faithful to us, and holds all things together.

His steadfast, perfect, faithful love for our family endures forever.

We will give thanks to the God of heaven, _____________________________ (insert name of God).

His love endures forever.

I pray that this resource helps your household well to stop and give THANKS to the King of Kings this Thanksgiving. I would love to read your Psalms of thanksgiving. You can share yours with me at [email protected].


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