Remember the definition of “Revive” that we are using as our theme this year, as we take a closer look at 12 essential practices of Household WELLs? Here it is:
Revive…to activate, set in motion, or take up again, to make operative, to quicken, or renew in the mind, to reanimate or cheer…
This month as we focus on the essential practice of WITNESS, I’m wondering what that word makes you think and feel.
Have you written witnessing off as something you just aren’t good at? Do you think you lack the gift of evangelism, so you are excused from the call to witness? Or does “witness” immediately make your palms sweaty and your heart race, as you think about what you would say to a neighbor or friend if asked why or what you believe about Jesus?
I’m wondering how we can practically revive our witness according to the definition above – How can I “activate” or “set in motion” my witness? How can I “renew in the mind” my story?
Throughout this month of February, we will be asked four great questions that, if we take some time with them on our own, will receive our witnessing.
- What have you heard?
- What do you know?
- What has Jesus changed in you?
- What have you seen?
What if you took some time and quietly considered those questions and wrote down your answers?
Ask God to reveal to you and bring to mind times in your life where you have seen Him at work in you and around you. Think back …
How has He provided for you? How has He protected you? How has He been with you?
What has He taught you in his word? Where has He shown up for you in big or small ways? How are you different today than you were last year or 10 years ago?
After you take some time to be still, reflect and then write down your answers, I would encourage you to share with a friend what you discovered. Plan a time to share a bit of your story, and give them a chance to share some of their story.
I think that one of the reasons we get a little nervous around this practice is because we haven’t practiced. Just like with any skill, the more time we spend trying it, the more comfortable and confident we become. Remember, you do not have to have the “right” answers; you just share your story.
The woman at the well had not taken classes in how to share her faith or witness to her community. She was just so excited because she met the Messiah face to face and couldn’t wait to tell everyone about him. And I love her approach, “come and see”.
It reminds me of the song “My Jesus” that Anne Wilson sings. Take a look at some of the lyrics here:
Are you past the point of weary? Is your burden weighin’ heavy?
Is it all too much to carry? Let me tell you ’bout my Jesus.
Do you feel that empty feeling? ‘Cause shame’s done all its stealin’.
And you’re desperate for some healin’. Let me tell you ’bout my Jesus.
He makes a way where there ain’t no way. Rises up from an empty grave.
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save. Let me tell you ’bout my Jesus.
His love is strong and His grace is free. And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me. Let me tell you ’bout my Jesus.
And let my Jesus change your life.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Amen, Amen.
You are more ready than you realize. You have all that you need, because you know Jesus. You have a story to share, because you have evidence of how God has carried you through difficult times, surprised you, forgiven you and set you free.
Please, don’t compare your story to someone else’s and say things like, “My story isn’t really anything great to share.” That is a lie from the enemy, who would like to keep your story from ever being told.
Consider the different ways and times that God has been faithful to you over the years, and take some notes. Then practice sharing it with someone you know who is willing to listen.
No pressure – actually, delight and excitement! Why wouldn’t we want to talk about our very best friend, the one who has made us and saved us?! Hallelujah – Amen, Amen.