Household WELL “E” Engages With Neighbors

A Household WELL is what we want to be, to bring the living water to a thirsty world.

Welcomes in Jesus

Engages with Neighbors

Listens for Insight

Loves to Try

When our households engage with neighbors here are some of the things that we can say we do.  Know our neighbors names and pray for them by name.  How is that going for you? If you are like me, and have recently moved you have a long way to go, especially living in an apartment complex.  Toss in a pandemic and social distancing, it can be difficult to even know our neighbors by name. (we certainly don’t want to use that as an excuse, we can still find creative ways to meet those neighbors)  Perhaps you have lived in your neighborhood for a long time and know all your neighbors by name. Are you praying for them? Do you know their story? What needs do they have? Do you know what they enjoy doing or what they are interested in?

As we engage with our neighbors we begin to develop genuine friendships with them. Engage in fun activities with them and have heartfelt discussions.  I can hear what some of you may be saying, but I disagree with my neighbor, they are nothing like me and voted differently than I did and they irritate me. That may all be true, AND we are still called to love them. And it is ok to have differences and not agree AND we still get the opportunity to be interested in them and show them the love of Jesus.

When Jesus was asked what that most important commandment is, this was His response: “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”  Matthew 22:37-39

That is really what it boils down to as we engage with neighbors, we love them. (you don’t have to live next door to a person for them to be your neighbor)  We care for and serve our neighbors, and we join with them in service of others.  And when the time is right, we share the Good News of Jesus with them. We are eager to introduce them to our Heavenly Father.  And we have the privilege of encouraging them on their walk of faith.

If you are ever unsure of what to do, just ask yourself, how would I best show love to this person? How would I want to be treated or cared for?  Love like Jesus. No strings attached, no judgment, no agenda.  When we engage with neighbors we are not checking them off our list of things to do, or projects to accomplish or problems to solve. We are simply being our authentic Jesus following selves and loving them well. And the good news is, Jesus is WITH you as you go.  Enjoy the journey. Ask Jesus to help you, ask him for opportunities and ideas and then trust him that he loves them too.

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