When Jesus was born it was Israel or bust. All others were outside. As Paul lived, he saw so many Jews stumbling over Jesus, even fighting against God’s gift of righteousness, cut off from the vine. But Paul REALIGNS us to God’s truth, stumbling doesn’t mean they are beyond God’s reach. God has already demonstrated that no one is beyond His reach. Who do you know that you don’t think God will reach? Our hope and trust is in Him alone.
This 8-week series spans chapters nine, ten, and eleven of Paul’s letter to the Romans. Paul reframes our understanding of the Children of Abraham, poses a series of rhetorical questions, even circling back to As we are being Re-Formed, we see God, through Paul, REALIGNING our posture and attention, toward Him and His trustworthiness, and not toward ourselves. We are REALIGNED to the truth: that all things are from Him, by Him, and for His Glory.