On Sunday, December 13th, from 12pm-1pm, our church will have its Annual Voters Meeting. A few key points of the agenda include learning about the ministry plan for the church and electing board members. This year we are electing two board members for full three year terms and welcoming another new board member to complete a one year term.
I find the Annual Voters Meeting is the perfect chance to become more informed about some of the servant leaders of the Church as well as the specific ministry plan of the church. And in preparation for electing new board members, here is just a little information about each person. You can also meet the rest of the Leadership Board here.
Laura Potter – Board Nominee
Laura lives in Oregon with her husband Jim and attends the Church in Fitchburg.. She loves gardening and she has several animals including 15 chickens! Laura & Jim have six grown daughters and seven grandchildren.
When Laura was searching for a church home in 1991, she was drawn to the Church because of the friendly people. Over the years, she has served in many ways including Sunday school and altar guild.
Laura attends lifeGroup with the Huebners and also is intentional about living life together with the people in her neighborhood. As a board member, she is most looking forward to serving and using her gifts in a different way than she has in the past.
Eldon McLaury – Board Nominee
Eldon and his wife Ginny live in Fitchburg and attend the Church in Fitchburg. Eldon grew up on a farm in Iowa, served in the Army, and after college went on to a career in waterfall management. He and Ginny have lived on several National Wildlife Refuges. They have three married sons and nine grandchildren.
When Eldon moved to Madison in 1981, he looked for a Missouri Synod church and found CMLC. Once he attended, he became friends with Fred and Carol Tiemann, who introduced him to Dick Lee (wife Judy) who later built their house for them!
Eldon’s lifeGroup has been assisting at Oakwood church service once a month for several years. They are building relationships with residents and that’s been a pleasure. Eldon looks forward to serving on the board and representing the congregation.
Donna Meyer – Board appointed to complete a one year term
Donna describes herself as a single lady working full time at CUNA Mutual Group as a Project Specialist. Music is a welcome pastime – she is a member of the worship team here and of the Unkalung Choir with the Adult Christian Education Foundation.
Although Donna grew up in the Church in Fitchburg, she left in her early 20’s and then came back when she was a caregiver for her parents. She knows it is through God’s work through his people at the Church and His Word that she is here.
Currently, Donna is not part of a formal lifeGroup but is intentional about meeting regularly with a fellow church member in order to share life’s challenges and to learn and grow together in their relationship with Jesus. As a board member, Donna is looking forward to seeing what God will do in and through His people here at the Church in the next year as we live life together in Jesus, worship Him, and share His love with those in our neighborhoods and around the world.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, December 13th, for the Annual Voters Meeting. And don’t forget that the Packers play the Cowboys at 3:25 pm that day, so we won’t miss it!
Do you have other questions or comments for the Leadership Board? Sign in and leave your questions or comments in the comment section below