“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
Sermon Series: What Is Grace?, What Is Truth?, Who Is Man?, Who Is God?, Says Who?, Who Am I?, Whose Law?, Where Do I Fit?, Why Work?, Why Should I Care?, Why Give Thanks?, Whose Story?
Pastor Jeff: “When John says ‘full of’, it means “lacking nothing”. Complete. Utterly whole. Full … of what? Grace and truth. Abundant love. Mercy. Unconditional acceptance. Full of absolute righteousness. Certainty. Perfection. Rightness. The whole story is residing in the person of Jesus. Honesty. Integrity. Fidelity. Reality. And deep, deep abiding love.
Jesus, the Word, in the flesh. Full of all that stuff! For us.
We believe that home is where we get to practice all the things that we learn from Jesus to apply to our lives. We need to provide encouragement and spiritual support for all kinds of different homes.There is no judgment here.
Jesus himself reminds us that a home that will stand up against the world’s pressures is a home that is built on the Rock. Rock-solid foundations are built on Jesus, who teaches us and directs us to understand grace and truth, so that we can build our lives on it.”
Actions and Activities: During 2019, we built on our foundation of healthy homes, by focusing on the spiritual development of the home and understanding, in a deep way, who Jesus is.
- LifeGroup Reboot
- Spiritual Experiences nights
- Parenting class
- Church-wide relationship building through Family Playdates, Bike Day, Fall Fun Nights, and a Worship and Play Day at a state park
- 1:1 Discipleship
- Focused training on our personal prayer lives
- Increased opportunities to learn about the needs in our community, through Community Sunday and church-wide service projects
- AM2FM Launch