Fun Easter Activities with Your Kids

Our Lord is Risen! Hallelujah! Easter was always my favorite holiday as a child. Take a minute and think back to how you celebrated Easter as a child. What did you look forward to? The Easter basket filled with candy? Maybe you looked forward to searching for colorful hidden eggs. Did you cherish the moments you spent dying eggs with your...

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Easter Story Cookies

Our Lord is Risen! Hallelujah! Easter was always my favorite holiday as a child. Take a minute and think back to how you celebrated Easter as a child. What did you look forward to? The Easter basket filled with candy? Maybe you looked forward to searching for cee Open your oven on Easter morning and see the surprise! Ingredients: • Bible • 1 c...

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What Does “Comfort” Mean to You?

If you’re like me, you often take a comfortable life for granted. I don’t mean to gloss over any hardships you or your family may be facing – I recognize that illness, financial difficulties, relationship struggles, and any other number of things can sometimes make life quite uncomfortable. However, I do think that for those of us who never have...

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Moved to Action

I'm not sure about you, but whenever there's a large natural disaster, I always want to help, but sometimes these three questions keep me from doing so. 1) Can my small donation make a difference? 2) Will it get to the people who really need it? 3) Will it really get there quick enough to help? Check out the link below and consider a donation to...

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Be Generous

Why do we need to talk about being generous? I looked the word up intending to prove that generosity is relative, and was surprised at the definition. 1. Readiness or liberality in giving. 2. Freedom from meanness or smallness of mind or character. 3. A generous act: We thanked him for his many generosities. 4. Largeness or fullness; amplitude. I...

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Enthusiastically Engaged

What do the following have in common? discovering a fresh insight… working to build a community garden in a food desert… running… partnering with community service groups that are making a difference… worshipping at church… caring for the homeless… holding babies in the hospital nursery… subscribing to a new reading plan on the You Version Bible...

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Our New Eastside Location

I’ve been waiting for quite a while to be able to write this update. As many of you know, the Church in East Madison has been looking for a permanent home for quite a while. And now we have one! 258 Corporate Drive, Madison, Suite 262 is the location of the Church in East Madison. It’s close to the intersection [NE] of Hwy 51 and Milwaukee...

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Mission Milwaukee

On Sunday, 25 high school students, 3 college age students, and 6 adults embarked on a week long mission trip to Milwaukee, WI. So close to home, it is shocking to learn that Milwaukee is the 4th poorest city in the nation and has the highest infant mortality rate in the nation. It is a city that struggles immensely with great needs. Today we...

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Mission Milwaukee Day 2

What a great God we serve! On Tuesday night, the mission trip participants were able to see God's love in action at a Community Cookout. We hosted the cookout for the neighborhood around Adullam Outreach. So many people from the community came to enjoy a burger and hot dog, fellowship, and some worship. We had a large number of children join us...

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Mission Milwaukee 3

What an incredible week our youth have had at their mission trip in Milwaukee. It has a been a week that has opened our eyes to some great needs so close to home and has allowed us to generously pour out the love of Jesus to the community we partnered with as well as to each other. On Thursday, students wrapped up their work sites for the week....

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Invitation Made Simple

  What do the following have in common? …discovering a fresh insight…working to build a community garden in a food desert…running…partnering with community service groups that are making a difference…worshipping at church…caring for the homeless…holding babies in the hospital nursery…subscribing to a new reading plan on the You Version Bible...

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Missional Living

“Your best ability is your availability.” Trent Dilfer, ESPN Analyst and Super Bowl XXXV winning QB I think this quote from Trent Dilfer also applies to neighbors and friends. You might be the best neighbor that your neighbors have ever had. You might become one of your neighbors’ closest friends. But it can only happen if you’re around. I don’t...

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