Newsflash: Christians aren’t a bunch of perfect people. We aren’t people who think we are perfect, or even better than other people. The only difference is that we are forgiven, and the Spirit is at work within us. Even knowing and desiring what is right we can’t release ourselves from the internal battle. But our hope is not in ourselves, or even in the life the Spirit produces in us. Jesus is the one who will deliver us.
This series takes us through Romans 7 and into the middle of Romans 8. In this stage in our Re-Formation journey, we examine the effect of what we just witnessed at Easter. God sent His Son to die for us. Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of the law. Without sin, Jesus died and paid the price for all of our sin, and rose again. He condemned sin once and for all. Tied to life with Him, through baptism and faith, we are declared “NOT GUILTY!” We have been RELEASED from all that bound us, all that would still bind us. Free at last!