Too often we act like we are not part of this world. Or that if we have been unleashed, it is from the responsibility toward the world. We huddle together, like the disciples in the upper room, instead of living our faith outside the surroundings and safety of other Christians. Jesus’ prayer for His people, as He is leaving the world, is recorded for their benefit and for ours. God will protect us and keep us from the Evil one, He will teach us His word, which is truth, and we are not separated from the world, but we are sent into it, not to become like the world, but to be like Jesus in the world.
This 6-week series follows the Easter lectionary schedule, beginning with Easter Sunday, it covers 50 days and concludes with Pentecost Sunday. With the empty tomb, the resurrected Jesus is unleashed upon the world. First in His self, then until He comes again through His disciples powered by His Holy Spirit. As we have been following Jesus in His Earthly ministry, we now see with much more clarity our sending to the world, as His body here on Earth, the church. Just as Christ was sent, He has unleashed His church upon the world.