Revival: Responsiveness

 Matthew 21:28 “But what do you think about this? A man with two sons told the older boy, ‘Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.’ 29 The son answered, ‘No, I won’t go,’ but later he changed his mind and went anyway. 30 Then the father told the other son, ‘You...

Neighboring & Holidays

The holiday season is a natural time to nurture some of those relationships in your neighborhood. As Household Wells we are constantly looking to revive our relationships with those who God has placed around us. When we serve and love our communities we are also...

Remembering God’s Faithfulness

A thankful spirit is what flows from a heart and mind that is keenly aware of God’s provisions and work in our lives. Giving thanks becomes worship when we give God the credit and glory for the all we have and all we are. You are invited to use this template as a way...

A Culture of Generosity

Generosity+ (because generosity empowered by Jesus fuels a contagious, other-centered culture) is one of our values at the Church, and throughout the year we’ve talked about embracing generosity as individuals and as household wells.  Generosity not only in sharing...
Growing Friendships

Growing Friendships

Today we begin our month-long series on reviving our relationships. Following Jesus is a community endeavor; it is a hard journey when we attempt it in isolation. Along with that, we share the Good News most effectively through the relationships where we are...

Welcome to the Church!

Wendie Bartelt, 57, and Chris Packard, 54  Wendie and Chris were members of Community of Life Church in Oregon, before it closed in May. Leaving one church and developing another community has been challenging. Your home church, Wendie said, “is kind of your family....
Preschool is Loving the Fall!

Preschool is Loving the Fall!

Our Preschool has been loving the fall!  The preschoolers enjoyed a beautiful day at Schuster’s Pumpkin Farm last week.  We enjoyed a hayride, corn maize and of course picking out a pumpkin. And at the end of the month, we’ll trick-or-treat through the staff...

It’s All A Gift From God

During my 1:1 meeting last week we looked at 1 Corinthians 4.  We were pleasantly surprised to see the verses that lined up with our October theme of Stewardship. Here is what verse 7 says in the New Living Translation (NLT): “What do you have that God hasn’t given...

Revival: Stewardship

‘And this I remember of Boromir as a boy, when we together learned the tale of our sires and the history of our city, that always it displeased him that his father was not king. ‘‘How many hundreds of years needs it to make a steward a king, if the king returns not?’’...

What God is Doing Here

This is part of an ongoing series that celebrates how families from the Church are living out their calling as Household Wells. This month’s focus is Work. My son Charlie didn’t wake up Wednesday thinking, “I’m going to do God’s work!” He just wanted to make some...