God Among Us: A Look Back at The Year 2021

God Among Us: A Look Back at The Year 2021

What a year 2021 has been. As a new year is upon us, many of us wonder, will 2022 be different? Will things get back to normal? And what will “normal” look like? Even with all the questions we have, regardless of the circumstances surrounding us today, God...


When you think of faithfulness, what image does it paint in your mind? How have you witnessed it in your life? Some common examples can be seen in our loyal pets that we’ve taken care of through the years. No matter what we do, they will remain affectionate and...


What does it feel like to be chosen? It seems that it’s easier for many of us to remember the times when we weren’t chosen.  There are many emotions that swirl around not being chosen and worrying about not being chosen. When we are overlooked or...


“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” –Isaiah 41:10 Many of us have this tendency to fix things. But sometimes, the best thing to do is...

Join the Conversation!

At the Church we share a compelling mission. It really is an urgent mandate because life in Jesus brings peace. This Blog is launched as another venue to help us live life in Jesus. I invite you to engage in the conversation. Our stories help one another. Let’s get...

Blind Spot

“We need each other.” “We need God.” “We need His wisdom and truth.” “We need that truth to freely flow between us in this community of faith.” “We need deeper friendship; more honest reflection, deeper thought, richer personal interactions with one another.” These...